Profile: (Representative of A. Nakamura)

A. Kei Nakamura is a Japanese artist, born in Tokorozawa city in 1976. After receiving a degree in Japan specializing in porcelain and ceramics, he moved to Italy to learn about stone sculpture in 1997.
From 1998 to 1999 he learned traditional methods of stone sculpture from Italian master in Serre di Rapolano near Siena. During this period, he also carried out a series of commissioned works using his new skills.
In 1999 he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara. A few months later he became an independent freelance artist. In 2004 he graduated, with honors, from the Academy of Fine Arts, Carrara.
In 2009 he was appointed as a contract teacher in a professional sculpture course organized by the province of Siena (supported by the European Union fund) until 2010.
Today the artist lives in Japan and occasionally returns to Europe to participate in cultural programs.
■ 1998 Università per Stranieri di Siena, Diploma di primo grado, Italy
■ 1999 Completed a tow-year professional stone sculpture course organized by the province of Siena, Italy
■ 2004 Graduated from The Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, with honors, Italy
■ 2009-2010 Teaching period at the stone and metal professional sculpture course organized by the province of Siena, supported by the European Union fund, Italy
■ 2002 Simposio internazionale del marmo, 1st prize (Verona, Italy)
■ 2010 InOpera 2010 – Sulle orme di Padre Matteo Ricci, P. Matteo Ricchi 400th anniversary art contest, il Museo di Palazzo Buonaccorsi, Purchase prize (Macerata, Italy)
■ 2011 S. Thomas Aquinas Art Contest, Veritas et Amor, 1st prize (Aquino, Italy)
List of references:
■ Art contest, Smach Constellation of art, culture and history in the Dolomites, Italy:
■ Art residence, Materia Prima, Italy:
■ Instagram:
■ Youtube:
■ 1976 所沢市生まれ、以後福岡市で育つ
■ 1997-1999 ベレッティーニの工房で石彫を学ぶ
■ 1998 Università per Stranieri di Siena, Diploma di primo grado イタリア語・イタリア文化コース修了
■ 1999 大理石の産地カッラーラに移る。大学に通いながらコンクール、展覧会等に参加
■ 2000 彫刻家として労働ビザを取得。個人の活動に取り組みながら大学に通う
■ 2004年9月イタリア国立 The Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara 卒業 (110 e Lode 最高成績)
■ 2009年までカッラーラとシエナを拠点に活動。工房 Saturnusの補佐、および彫刻コース(シエナ県運営、EU出資)の実技講座を担当するため、シエナ郊外の町ラポラーノテルメに移る
現在は日本を中心に ”美術作家” として活動